While it does have some vitamins, it lacks other nutrients that other greens boast. Kale contains beta-carotene and the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin (associated with eye health) as well as potassium, vitamins A and C, fiber, iron and calcium. Here is a general overview of seven of the most common leafy greens, and a side-by-side comparison of the levels of a few of their minerals and vitamins. Its peppery taste adds extra oomph to everything from salads to soup. Get certified. Their taste and texture make them ideal for Kale chips, pesto, sauté, soups, and lasagna. Deepen your well-being practices and develop techniques to teach others with a prestigious Chopra certification. No portion of this website may be reproduced in whole or in part without written consent. (I have to admit, “rocket” sounds a lot cooler than arugula.) It tastes supremely healthy – in a good way. Arugula, spinach and kale, oh my! Its overall nutritional value is generally lower than other green leafy vegetables, but it contains more calcium than kale, provides a good source of antioxidants and fiber, and combines well with the more nutrient-dense spinach. (n.d.). Let’s start with Arugula in this spinach vs arugula battle. You can find a bag of pre-washed arugula in most supermarkets these days, as well as heaped into large baskets at the farmers market. Swiss chard leaves are tender and have a taste similar to beet greens and spinach. © 2021 Journal Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Kale belongs to the Brassica family, which also includes cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi and collards. It is not the most nutritionally dense leafy green, but it is high in folate and vitamin A, and can easily be mixed with other greens. Find information on exactly where our food comes from, along with delicious recipes, helpful tips and reliable data. Arugula is neither enduringly trendy, like kale, nor so lame that Millennial irony breathes new life into it, as with iceberg-wedge salads. LDL (low-density lipoprotein) contributes to plaque, which can clog arteries and increases the risk of strokes and heart attacks. You’ll get the most out of these greens if you mix them up and maintain a variety of them in your diet. Arugula nutrition facts. While it has a higher level of sodium than other greens (77 mg per cup), it runs close to spinach with the level of nutrients it offers. Cover the pan and cook for 5 to 7 minutes, until the turnips and kale are tender. I’m going to just come out and say it…I hate arugula. It can also be wilted like spinach and served as a healthy side dish. I like beet greens best, actually. Cholesterol is a lipid essential for producing hormones and takes two forms: LDL, or bad cholesterol, and HDL, good cholesterol. Arugula and Pear Salad With Pine-Nut-Crusted Goat Cheese. As you can see, not one of these leafy greens is highest in all nutrients. Collard greens are frequently eaten in the Southern U.S. regions, but deserve attention everywhere for their health benefits. Arugula's distinct peppery taste doesn't quite correlate with a high nutritional content. Arugula’s scientific name is Eruca sativa, and it’s an annual plant native to the Mediterranean region. A pound of spinach should be enough for two servings. *mg = milligrams | *IU=International Units | *ug = micrograms. I first met arugula, Eruca sativa, when I made a spring panzanella salad several years ago.I’d never used the leafy green before, but I was hooked from the first peppery bite. Most people especially in French use arugula as a green salad. Serve it in a salad with strawberries and nuts or use it in casseroles, quiches and soups. Not all leafy greens are created equal. They are resistant to cold temperatures, however, so no … With a rainbow variety of stems, Swiss chard can add color to your plate—and a load of nutrients to boot. Do other greens even come close? And kale’s beauty runs deep; it is packed with powerful phytonutrients, minerals and fiber. We’ll send you content you’ll want to read—and put to use. Arugula: Arugula, an aromatic, leafy green sometimes called rocket, is a member of the same botanical family as watercress, cabbage and broccoli. Spinach and kale are both powerhouses of nutrition, associated with many impressive health benefits. Arugula is an easy to grow salad green, making it a good home garden and window box garden choice. While it’s not actually bad for you, opt for other lettuce types for your salads to help increase your daily nutrient intake. Arugula, also known as Eruca vesicaria, is a cruciferous vegetable, a cousin of broccoli, kale, and cabbage. A general rule of thumb is the darker the leaf color and the more variety in color and plants, the better off you are. Click here to learn more. This article compares spinach and kale to determine whether one is healthier. Fresh greens of some sort are on my table almost daily. Certain conditions, such as clotting disorders or kidney stones, can be affected by the nutrients and other substances in leafy greens, so if you have a concern, be sure to check with a healthcare professional before changing your diet. Although officially a “dark leafy green,” it also comes in vibrant purples and dramatic winter whites. Arugula provides a variety of antioxidants and fiber and does have more calcium than kale. Kale is one of the healthiest foods available, with exceptional nutritional value per calorie. The leaves are flatter than those of curly kale (resembling arugula leaves) and can be green or gray-green in color. Other names for arugula are “rocket”, “garden rocket”, “eruca”, and “rocket salad”. Scarlett Kale matures at a slower rate of 60 days but that is to develop the deepest red shade of all the kale varieties as well as to gain a sweeter and lighter taste than their green coloured brothers and sisters. Here’s a primer on some new salad greens and old favorites. Arugula has a spicy taste that can add flavor to a variety of salads and dishes. Resource for mind-body health, meditation, personal growth, nutrition, and more. 1. Arugula (or as some ca ll it, Rocket), the “bitter green with a peppery bite” has since occasionally snuck its way into my meals in the way of a garnish, salad green or topping for something but I avoid it like the plague. Plus, it has two grams of protein per serving. Wild Arugula Vs Rocket Salad Arugula Arugula: Wild Arugula Vs Rocket Salad. Basically, what black pepper smells like, arugula tastes like. Arugula vs. other greens Unlike many subtler-tasting salad greens, arugula’s highly distinctive and peppery crunch adds flair to salads and other cold dishes. Arugula has a spicy taste that can add flavor to a variety of salads and dishes. Collard greens provide nearly twice the amount of calcium as spinach and are high in potassium and magnesium, too. Always buy it fresh because it will be able to stand up to dressing, and the taste and smell will be most potent. As a member of the Brassica family of cruciferous vegetables, arugula is related to vegetables like broccoli, bok choy, cabbage, kale and Swiss chard. Arugula, also known as salad or garden rocket, is one of the nutritious green leafy vegetables of Mediterranean origin. Another bonus is the Dr. Sebi Nutritional Guide recommends the use of wild arugula.. You can become confused when shopping for arugula because there are two main types of arugula, wild arugula and rocket salad. Collards vs. Kale: Why Only One Supergreen Is a Superstar In the midst of the kale craze, the reasons some nutritious greens get the cold shoulder may have to do with culture, race, and class. Iceberg lettuce may be the most popular choice for salads, but with a low vitamin and mineral count, its contribution to your health is low. Related recipe: Kale and Keilbasa Soup, Your email address will not be published. Cholesterol is a lipid essential for producing hormones and takes two forms: LDL, or bad cholesterol, and HDL, good cholesterol. Varies in colors and varieties, including red and green romaine, iceberg and leaf. *Editor’s Note: The information in this article is intended for your educational use only; does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Chopra Center's Mind-Body Medical Group; and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Kale is from the cabbage family and comes in two distinct forms: curly or smooth form. Discover which foods nourish your unique body type at our mind-body healing immersion, Perfect Health. My family has wanted to love kale, with regular curly kale ( arugula! When compared to other plants, it is lower in specific nutrients—for instance, kale contains less calcium than does spinach, collard greens, and arugula—so again, it is important to rotate different plant leaves through your diet. Arugula, spinach and kale, oh my! Arugula is a leafy vegetable with irregular, lobed leaves that are tender and delicious when small and young, but which turn bitter as they age. Farm Flavor profiles America's hardworking farmers and ranchers who produce our food, fuel and fiber, connecting consumers to the country's vital agriculture industry. Help others thrive and find purpose with a mind-body-spirit approach. Grow your practice. Related recipe: Arugula and Pear Salad With Pine-Nut-Crusted Goat Cheese, Spinach: Fresh spinach is a great way to get started with greens. Christopher Testani Red Kale. When choosing spinach, pick dark leaves without too much of a stem. Once a somewhat exotic ingredient, arugula has become mainstream. Calories per cup: 6 When you get your hands on fresh arugula, you'll notice that the texture is thin, but the leaf will have the slightest crisp to it. Spinach was Popeye’s green of choice for good reason—it is substantially higher than the powerhouse kale in calcium, potassium, magnesium, vitamin A, vitamin K, and folate. Wild arugula is a great addition to salads and cooked dishes. Red kale is often considered the sweetest kale… Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition and before undertaking any diet, supplement, fitness, or other health program. The arugula vs spinach chart below shows you the calorie count and nutrient content of each leafy green in its raw, uncooked form. These greens are more peppery than bitter. Related recipe: Mediterranean Spinach Quiche, Kale: With its frilly leaves and rich colors, kale is a gorgeous plant. The crunchy stems are slightly sweet and have a similar taste and texture with bok choy stems. Grow yourself. It is a small, low-growing annual herb. It’s low in calories (a cup contains a mere 5 calories), rich in lutein and vitamin A. Arugula’s flavor is often likened to peppery mustard, making it a bit stronger than most lettuces, so it’s best to mix it with other greens. The following table, created with information from the USDA Food Composition Databases, compares different minerals and vitamins found in these seven leafy greens per 1-cup serving. Many people choose romaine lettuce for salads because of its mild taste, fresh crunch, and versatility in recipes. Kale is not a new vegetable. They can be shaved thinly and eaten raw as a salad, sautéed quickly with garlic for a hearty side, but can also stand up to being stewed for a really long time. Arugula: Arugula, an aromatic, leafy green sometimes called rocket, is a member of the same botanical family as watercress, cabbage and broccoli. Your email address will not be published. Arugula is very low in calories and is a good source of vitamins A and C, folate, calcium, and magnesium. A value highlighted in bold means that a 100-gram serving of the food covers at least 10 percent of the Daily Value (DV) for the nutrient in question. The after taste should just faintly be peppery, bu… There are five kale varieties that are classified according to the leaf type; curly-leaved, plain-leaved, Rape kale, leaf and spear and CavoloNeru also known as Tuscan Cabbage , black cabbage, Tuscan Kale, Lacinato and dinosaur kale. Here’s a primer on some new salad greens and old favorites. Characteristics: German for "cabbage turnip," kohlrabi—reminiscent in shape of a hot-air balloon— is usually found in the marketplace with the stem and leaves still attached to the bulb. Like mentioned earlier, arugula is best described to have a "peppery" and slightly spicy taste. Turnip greens—like collard greens and mustard greens—are usually cooked with ham or pork. Join the discussion today. Kale’s complex flavor wins it fans at breakfast, lunch and dinner. Red kale or red Russian kale has a very similar taste to curly kale but-you guessed it!-often has red-hued stems. The truth is, although some greens are more nutritionally dense than others, there is not one specific green that beats all others in the level of each individual nutrient. It can be eaten raw, added to salads with other salad greens, or cooked.The leaves are excellent sauteed lightly in olive oil or steamed and added to pasta dishes. And when I started shopping for seeds to grow my own, what a surprise it was … The ancient Greeks and Romans grew kale in their gardens, and Europeans brought kale to the Americas in the 1600s. Kale can be a bit difficult to chew when raw, so try rubbing the leaves in olive oil, or lightly steaming before eating them. You’ve probably heard the hype about kale and spinach. Its overall nutritional value is generally lower than other green leafy vegetables, but it contains more calcium than kale, provides a good source of antioxidants and fiber, and combines well with the more nutrient-dense spinach. Everything you need to live a life in total balance from the authority in well-being. Get Grounded with Sweet Potato Chai Pancakes, The Health Benefits and Risks of Dark Chocolate, Pumpkin Power: 4 Recipes Featuring America’s Favorite Squash. Red and green kale, hanging out in some minestrone. Sign up for self-paced courses designed to deliver balance and health. Kale has developed a reputation for being one of the most healthy plant foods available, with a high level of nutrients in its leaves. It is an offshoot of wild cabbage, which originated in Asia Minor. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. So it’s important to rotate different plant leaves through your diet. Discover your Dosha in seconds and get on the path to better health. Required fields are marked *. Compared to kale, arugula has more calcium but less vitamin K, vitamin A and vitamin C. Read the Arugula...rarely fresh/undesirable taste? Master meditation and learn how to give others their own personalized mantra. Retrieved from https://ndb.nal.usda.gov/ndb/foods/show/2159?fgcd=&manu=&lfacet=&format=&count=&max=35&offset=&sort=&qlookup=banana, Take well-being with you wherever you go with the Chopra app. The greens feature dandelion-like succulent, elongated, lobular leaves with prominent green veins (midrib). Like parsley, it can be chewed to help combat sour breath. Curly is best known amongst the two. LDL (low-density lipoprotein) contributes to plaque, which can clog arteries and increases the risk of strokes and heart attacks. Take a deep dive into Ayurveda - the centuries-old proven health and healing system. In scientific definition, arugula is a vegetable, a type of Brassicaceae that falls in the same family with cauliflower and kale. Collard Greens Collard greens are a staple of southern American cooking, and are finally starting be embraced by the rest of the country. Its stronger flavor pairs well with vinaigrettes. During WWII, it was a recommended plant for Victory Gardens because it provided so many nutrients. The leaves have a peppery, spicy flavor that grows more bitter with age. While some may find the leaves slightly bitter, they are less vegetal in flavor than kale. Experience daily Ayurvedic spa treatments and our gentle signature cleanse and return home with an overall state of peace. (Source: USDA, see Reference 1) Both of these leafy greens are low in calories and loaded with vitamin K, which supports bone and cardiovascular health, and … Learn more about the time-tested and scientifically backed Chopra methods. It boasts deep, earthy flavors that can range from rich and meaty to slightly bitter. The taste is said to be peppery or mustardy, and the leaves are often added raw to salads or as a garnish on sandwiches or added to stir-fries or soups. Fresh spinach is a rich source of vitamins A and C, calcium, iron and potassium. Most popular types red kale vs green kale nutrition color very similar taste to curly kale but-you guessed it! Specifically, I was keen to look at the differences between kale and other common green leafy vegetables that are used in similar ways to kale - spinach and rocket (arugula) and your everyday iceberg lettuce. discussion from the Chowhound General Discussion, Arugula food community. 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