A page with About, Wallet check and Attachments will be displayed. Step Three: Once reassigned, the referral will appear in the selected Assessors list of referrals. This guide provides information about. You will not be able to download referrals for assessments when you are offline. Step One: Open the app and enter your PIN, following the process in Attachment C: Section 2. Select Add new client. The assessor portal can also be accessed at: Step Two: An Australian Government Authentication Service page will be displayed. The next time you login, follow the steps in Section, 122 Attachment B - Generating reports and accessing forms Assessment organisations can generate and view reports and access forms via the My Aged Care assessor portal. Each AUSkey is linked to an Australian Business Number (ABN) and can be stored on a computer or a USB stick for staff that use multiple windows-based computers. You only need to enter information into one search field, and select Search. To find a client and view their client record follow the steps below. 4 2.0 HOW DO, Family Court of Western Australia User Guide efiling Divorce Applications in family law Applications for Divorce (and certain accompanying documents) can now be electronically filed through the Commonwealth, Westpac Live Quick Reference Guides Accounts Overview How do I conduct a transaction search? Part of a collection: My Aged Care – Assessor Portal Resources A summary of the outcomes of screening conducted by My Aged Care contact centre staff. When you have completed the required field, select Finalise this support plan. Select Find for the service that you want to match and refer for. Clients can choose to have a referral code given to them rather than choosing an electronic referral method. Step Two: A drop down calendar will be displayed, and a review date can be selected. RAS and ACATs will use the NSAF via the assessor portal (or the myassessor app or printed version of the NSAF) to undertake assessments. Step One: Select Add to existing client. You will need to sight two types of identification. The image will only save in the myassessor app. %���� Clients and their representatives will be able to view this information on the client portal, via mygov. Step Four: This will display a client s information for you to view. Electronic referrals will be sent by contact centre staff for assessment services. Step One: Select Add a goal under the concern to be addressed Step Two: Enter the goal, record the client s motivation (with 1 being least motivated to 10 being highly motivated) to achieve that goal; and indicate the goal status. Step One: Select Cancel assessment- no further action required in the NSAF. System User Guide 10/2014. Step Four: Select the Reason for rejection of the referral from the list displayed, then select Reject. The purpose of My Aged Care Guidance for Assessors (this document) is to help assessment organisations understand how they will interact with My Aged Care. ���� JFIF � � �� JExif MM * 2 :( � � �� ,Photoshop 3.0 8BIM� � � ��XICC_PROFILE HLino mntrRGB XYZ � 1 acspMSFT IEC sRGB �� �-HP cprt P 3desc � lwtpt � bkpt rXYZ gXYZ , bXYZ @ dmnd T pdmdd � �vued L �view � $lumi � meas $tech 0 rTRC. View your My Aged Care Online Account How to use the My Aged Care Online Account Your Online Account (previously called the Client Portal) contains important information about your assessments, services, and interactions with My Aged Care. Step Six: Select I accept the above terms and conditions, and select Accept and continue. ��G�Z��4�v���G�����6C�Zc4{m��+z#N"��k�M��Im�C��]��7� uL)���8�r`�Y�ǭY��l-�1/��v휍�h�ݔۡT��k���׿7��r��vH�ԡ �su�j���︠y��0�#�gܘ�v�ݮ����G�P��j�m$�����kK-�E�ז=H����̛���m?ܸڈk:�qC�\i����8n U�-Z� k��@{qd�^i1�"GLjNJH��|ywŠ`Z;�.���!�����9��Ggct}���tig%�Y����&9��4cHJP�PP�XFvtr����c;�"����FX�Ц���:)B���Y�W�wf�\} 91, 93 View the search results. To activate the app follow the steps below. When you undertake an assessment using the app, you should agree to a preliminary support plan with the client. The RAS should NOT complete the Assess in other system action. Proceed to Step Five. The care type information will be displayed and you will be able to make any changes required. For more information, visit Step One: Go to the Information for Assessors section of the DSS website at and select the My Aged Care Assessor Portal link. To assign the referral to another Assessor, select the appropriate person from the list displayed and select Re-assign. Step Two: You will be taken to the Decisions tab on the support plan. Getting started... 4 3. Under, Guidelines to assist with electronically registering, submitting, receiving and viewing applications for QFES Referral Agency Advice under the Sustainable Planning Act 2009. Step One: From the client s record (follow the steps in Section 3.1 to find the client), select Client Details. There are two tabs: Decisions pending and Decision history. The Reports and forms page will be displayed. Enter the address that is linked to your portal user account, and select Continue. Step Three: The NSAF will be displayed. The steps to view tasks and notifications are outlined below. Proceed to Step Five. m�� �� Creating an Expense Report from a Blank Report Form. 51, 53 Step Four: The page will be expanded to allow you to record the type of documentation sighted, and the date that you performed the wallet check. Narrator: My Aged Care is your starting point to access government-funded aged care services. Select the Decision pending tab. Further details of software and compatibility can be found at For more information: visit the Australian Business Register (ABR) website at or call the ABR national service desk ( ). The information entered will be verified against information held in the My Aged Care assessor portal, if the information is incorrect, an error message will be displayed. Step Five: You will receive a confirmation message to say that the queue item has been assigned and it will now appear under the Delegate s name. 7.1 Uploading assessment information for downloaded assessments To upload assessment information for downloaded assessments follow the steps below. Step Two: The Reports and forms page features a Reports tab and a Forms tab. Obtaining your login Credentials & Logging, HACC Funded Service Providers HADS 2.1.0e Quick Reference Guide HACC and Disability Services System (HADS) MDS Data Collection and Reporting Version 3.0 Ageing, Disability and Home Care, Family & Community, EMR Company Registration and User Management Guidance document for EMR participants User Support Guide for EMR Company Registration and User Management 02 nd July 2015 National Grid Electricity Transmission, PCS-Tender Supplier Response Guide Version 3.0 June 2016 Page 1 Contents Creating a Response to a Tender... 3 The Settings Area... 3 Saving a Response... 5 Qualification Envelope Example... 5 Technical, EXPRESSPATH PROVIDER PORTAL USER GUIDE AUGUST 2013 2013-2020 Express Scripts, Inc. All rights reserved. A summary of the client s information will be displayed on the right hand side of the page. 145, 147 You can complete an assessment on the myassessor app without answering all mandatory questions. Before you can upload an assessment for a new client completed using the myassessor app to the My Aged Care assessor portal, you will need to contact to confirm that the person does not already have a My Aged Care client record. It is expected that whoever has face-to-face contact with the client in the first instance (i.e. When you tick that you would like to use a Supplementary Assessment Tool, the tool will be listed automatically under the relevant section. AUSkey is a secure login that identifies you when you use participating Government online services on behalf of your business. 18, 20 Assessor homepage If you log in to the assessor portal as an Assessor, you will see Assessments, Find a client, Find a service provider, Reports, Tasks and notifications and My Aged Care interactions icons on your homepage Delegate homepage If you log in to the assessor portal as a Delegate, you will see Delegate decisions, Find a client, Find a service provider, Reports, Tasks and notifications, and My Aged Care interactions, icons on your homepage. Add required information, including name of the attachment and type of document. The RAS should NOT complete the Assess in other system action. You will only be able to Save to plan once you have recorded that you have the client s consent to undertake the assessment. Online Application Database Tutorial, User s Guide for the Texas Assessment Management System. The Manage services & referrals tab is displayed with the selected service provider(s) saved against the service. If you have selected My client will be unable to produce valid identification, a message will be displayed to record that you are unable to complete the wallet check and that it will not be able to be completed at a future date. Completing the Online Application Form... 7 2.1. There will be times where an Assessor attends a client s home to conduct an assessment, and finds another person (not registered with My Aged Care) who needs an assessment. Oracle Sourcing isupplier User Guide, How to use the Service Directory and send ereferrals and other Documents securely, AFSA Online Services Guide. Website Administration Security Guide September 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction... 1 General Overview... 1 System Requirements... 1 Important Administrator Terms... 2 Security Services Administration... Online Banking User Guide Page 1 of 14 Set Up and Access to Online Banking How do I set up Online Banking? Application form). Step Four: The page will be expanded to allow you to record the type of documentation sighted, and the date that you performed the wallet check. Pinnacle Community Services Policies 2014. Verified Volunteers. Aged Care Assessment Services (ACAS) conduct comprehensive assessments to assess people for eligibility to access higher level services, including Commonwealth-funded residential aged care, residential respite care, Transition Care Programme (TCP), Short Term Restorative Care Program, Home Care Packages, as well as the CHSP. Call 800-627-0225 for technical support Monday Friday, 7:30 am 5:30 pm (CT), TEAL Help Table of Contents Overview of the TEA Login Application... 1 Features... 1 Roles in Obtaining Application Access... 1 Approval Process... 2 Processing an Application Request... 4 The Process, SYNTHESYS MANAGEMENT User Management Synthesys.Net User Management 1 SYNTHESYS.NET USER MANAGEMENT INTRODUCTION...3 STARTING SYNTHESYS USER MANAGEMENT...4 Viewing User Details... 5 Locating individual, User Guide Contents Chapter 1: Signing In... 1 Chapter 2: My Profile... 4 Chapter 3: Expense Reimbursements... 9 Chapter 4: Submitting Your Receipts... 17 Chapter 5: Advance Requests... 21 Chapter 6: Acting, Remote Access End User Reference Guide for SHC Portal Access Version 2.0 6/7/2012 This remote access end user reference guide provides an overview of how to install Citrix receiver, which is a required, Registration Guide- New entrepreneurs Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Support Office co/eurochambres 1 Table of contents Background and purpose of the guide... 3 STEP 1 Preparing your registration... 3. There is a list of things you should try to capture to assist you. If you have incorrectly marked a recommendation as Agreed or Disagreed, you can change this by selecting Change. The information you added as part of the NSAF will automatically populate to the record in the assessor portal. 5, 7 Key Term CHSP Client Record Client service information Delegate Delegate Support Inbound referral form Description From 1 July 2015, the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) will bring together: Commonwealth Home and Community Care (HACC) Program Planned respite from the National Respite for Carers Program (NRCP) Day Therapy Centres (DTC) Program Assistance with Care and Housing for the Aged (ACHA) Program. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic. <>>> The Printer Friendly version includes the information from all three tabs. The roles should be assigned in accordance with the role the person performs within their organisation, and the completion of the associated training. 151, 153 9 Removing assessments from the device Removing a downloaded assessment from the device will permanently delete the record from the device. 111, 113 Step Two: You will be returned to the Decisions tab where the status of the recommendation will be recorded as either Agreed or Disagreed. The client s consent will need to be obtained prior to any referrals being sent. endobj 1 My Aged Care Assessor Portal User Guide Part Two: Team Leader, Assessor, Delegate and Delegate Support Functions June 2015, 2 Contents 1 Background and overview of the assessor portal Purpose of the Guide What this Guide does not cover Document Key Key Terms Introduction to using the assessor portal Further information, enquiries and technical support Preparing to access the assessor portal AUSkey and technology requirements What is AUSkey? E.g. You will need to call Contact centre staff will give you an eight digit code that you will need to enter to reset your PIN. 48, 50 3.4 Completing identity verification The identity verification process is a two-step process. This video demonstrates how to match and identify existing client records in the My Aged Care Assessor Portal before registering a client. Assessors (and service providers) are required to complete the second step of the process by conducting a wallet check. To use AUSkey you will need to use an alternative browser that is compatible. 85, 87 Step Five: Client service and waitlist preferences will be displayed, and assessors may select Service preferences OR Waitlist preferences. The My Aged Care system enables a representative to be classified as Regular or Authorised. How do I manage my account? 57, 59 Step Four: Select Finish Assessment and continue to support plan when you have completed the assessment. A page will be displayed with the name of the client you are about to assess. 81, 83 3.6.9 Printing a support plan To print a copy of the client s support plan follow the steps below. To recall a referral follow the steps below. Step Three: There are a number of actions available to you on this page: Edit the details of an Assessor s recommendation (e.g. This guide is designed to help you complete your Aged Care Financial Report (ACFR) for approved providers (providers) of Residential Aged Care, Multi‐Purpose Service, Home Care and Short‐Term Restorative Care. Step One: Navigate to the Goals & recommendations tab in the support plan Step Two: For home support assessment, select Complete Support Plan and continue to match and refer. Step Two: Nominate another Delegate to assign the item to, or select the option Place back in delegate queue if you want to unassign it. 3 How do I view Account Balances? If you selected My client has no valid ID at this time because the client is unable to produce the required identification during your contact with them, you will receive a message confirming that a wallet check should be completed at a later date. A person who is assigned the Team Leader role in the assessor portal will be responsible for managing referrals (accepting or rejecting) for assessment and assigning referrals to staff. 96, 98 Step Three: You will receive a confirmation message that the referral code has been generated, and it will appear under Services pending. 69, 71 Step Three: The care recommendation will be added as part of Other Recommendations. Visit Connect Full User Guide R3.17 Contents 1. Information about services that a provider delivers to a client. You will now be able to conduct the assessment (either online or offline). Step Four: Select a PIN. have no Assessor assigned to the referral), select Unassign. 147, 149 The confirmation box displays a list of mandatory questions that are incomplete or invalid. Table of Contents. Alternatively, you can sort referrals by priority (high to low or low to high). Note: A person assigned the Team Leader role in the My Aged Care assessor portal will need to accept the referral and assign the referral to you before it appears in your referral queue. 30, 32 Step One: Select Assessments on the homepage. To reassign or unassign referrals follow the steps below. 103, 105 4 Delegate role People who perform the Delegate role need to be assigned the Delegate role in the assessor portal. To use AUSkey you will need to use an alternative browser that is compatible. To finalise the assessment, follow the steps below: Step One: Select Finalise support plan on any of the tabs in the support plan page. Step One: Open the app. This consent can be given verbally, in writing or in any other way that communicates the authority to act on behalf of the client. This video provides an overview of how to access aged care services under a Home Care Package. Instructions for approval of digital invoices, FAQ - Online Applications - Payment and Submission, HHS Accelerator: Account Creation and Access, Factsheet HSV05 Moving into Residential Aged Care. To see more information, select View full client record. Step One: Open the app and enter your PIN, following the process in Attachment C: Section 2. 76, 78 3.6.6 Completing the Support Plan The RAS need to undertake this step when they are ready to refer clients for services. Before you can upload the assessment completed using the myassessor app to the My Aged Care assessor portal, you will need to contact to confirm that the person does not already have a client record. From 1 July 2015, people seeking access to Commonwealth funded aged care services should be directed to My Aged Care. Figure 50: Link for new User Registration, OneDrive for Business User Guide Contents About OneDrive for Business and Office 365... 2 Storing University Information in the Cloud... 2 Signing in... 2 The Office 365 Interface... 3 The OneDrive for, goaml PILOT STAKEHOLDER USER GUIDE REGISTRATION FINANCIAL INTELLIGENCE CENTRE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Private Bag X177, Centurion, 0046 https://gostage.fic.gov.za/goamlweb_uat www.fic.gov.za/secure/queries.aspx. Step One: To schedule a review of a client, navigate to the Review tab and select the calendar icon to choose a Review date. AUSkey is a secure login that identifies you when you use participating government online services on behalf of your business. 56, 58 Note: If you have not finished completing the NSAF and want to complete it at a later time, select Save Assessment. 88, 90 Step Eight: Review preferences, record comments for the service provider (optional) and select Send Referrals. Organisation access requirements Where can you go for more information? Guidance for Assessors will help you understand the new concepts and provide contextual information about functions that you will need to undertake via the assessor portal What this Guide does not cover This Guide does not cover: How to nominate the person in your organisation as your first Organisation Administrator in the assessor portal Detailed instructions on how to obtain an AUSkey Document Key This is used to highlight points that assessors need to pay particular attention to. 70, 72 Recommending further assessment If at the end of a home support assessment, it is recommended that the client requires a comprehensive assessment of their needs, the Assessor can make this recommendation in the support plan. Select Yes. Step Four: You will receive an with an activation code. 4.1 Adding information about new clients For new clients, you will need to add client details in the About the client free textbox. stream This document should be read in conjunction with the:  ‘My Aged Care Assessor Portal User Guide’ (Assessor Portal User Guide), which outlines the steps to follow to undertake functions within the assessor portal. Step One: On the Manage services & referrals tab, select the Manually arrange via a code link for the service. Assessor The latest version of this document is available at dss.gov.au/myagedcare. List, select Save changes to set the support plan Notes Section develop! The new client to will appear in the assessors list of referrals is for Regional assessment services, 50 completing. It was an emergency admission ) to edit a Care type for Delegate decision follow the to. The home support assessor or a referral to an assessor, select Finalise this support plan has been marked Awaiting! 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